作者:佚名 来源:本站原创


  1. We had ___________ wonderful time_________the party_______ other day.
  A. a,on,the     B./,at,on     C. a,at,the     D./,on,/

  2. It's said that __________ is going to give us a lecture.
  A. an American famous young            B. a famous American youg
  C. a famous young American             D. a young famous American

  3. Nearly________ of the surface of our planet is covered by water.
  A. seven-ten  B. seven-tenth   C. seven-tenths  D. seventh-ten

  4. You must have waited here for a long time ,___________you?
  A. mustn't    B. didn't        C. haven't       D. hadn't

  5. China has hundreds of islands, ___________ is Taiwan Island.
  A. among them the largest             B. and the largest of which
  C. and the largest of them            D. but in which the largest

  6. --You don't look so well, Mary. What's the matter with you?
  A. I'm quite myself                   B. Fine, think you    
  C. I felt bad                         D. I'm not myself

  7. This new-type machine____________  little room.
  A. takes up                           B. is taken up     
  C. has been taken up                  D. is taking up

  8. It is impossible for____________ little room.
  A. so, such     B. so, so      C. such a, so   D. such, such

  9. --You forgot your keys when you left home in the morning.
  --Good heavens,___________.
  A. so did I.    B. so I did.   C. so you did.   D. so did you.

  10. __________ it rain, the crops_____________.
  A. Shall,would be saved              B. Should, would be saved
  C. Would, should be safe             D. Were, might be safe

  11. -Do you regret paying 500 dollars for your necklace?
  --No, I would gladly pay__________ for it.
  A. two times as much                 B. twice as many
  C. twice as much                     D. as twice as much

  12.________ is quite natural,a beginner can't read the books written in English very quickly.
  A. Which             B. As         C. What      D. It

  13. Take a taxi,___________ you'll miss your train.
   A. in    B. during    C. throughout     D. within

  15. I coutdn't have got to the meeting on time____________ an earlier train.
  A. if I had not caught              B. unless I had caugh
  C. if ! did not catch               D. unless I caugh

  16. The black horse is___________ of the pair.
  A. the strongest                   B. the stronger
  C. the strong                      D. quite strong

  17. It is a rule in his family that __________  comes home earlier should cook the dinner for the family.
  A. anybody         B. who         C. who that    D. whoever

  18. I really wonder__________ he has posted me many parcels___________ we didn't work together.
  A how ,after     B why,when  Cwhen,before D why,since

  19. --How long ___________ each other before they__________ married?
  --For about a year.
  A. have they known;get
  B. did they know; were going to get
  C. do they know;are going to get
  D. had they known; got

  20. Michael __________ here to see you and he____________ a note on your desk.
  A. has come; had left
  B. has been; has left
  C. has come; left
  D. has been; left

  21. -When__________ and visit our exhibition next month?
     - When_______, I will let you know.
  A. will he come; he will come
  B. will he come; he comes
  C. does he come; he will come
  D. does he come; he comes

  22. What worried the child most was _________ to visit his mother in the hospital.
  A. his not allowing              B. his not being allowed
  C. his being not allowed         D.having not been allowed

  23. I__________ you somewhere before, but your name has escaped me_________.
  A. must see;for a moment          B. must have seen; for a moment
  C. must see;for the moment      D. must have seen; for the moment

  24. We're leaving at six o'clock ,and hope_________ most of the journey by lunch time.
  A. to do     B. to have done     C. to make     D. to have made

  25. She was afraid __________ the dog in case it became dangerous.
  A. of exciting                   B. to excite
  C. that she excited              D. to be exciting

  26.The bad weather meant__________ the rocket launch(发射)for 48 hours,.
  A.delaying                       B.having delayed  
  C.to delay                       D.to have delayed

  27.D0 you consider it any good__________the truck again?   
  A.to repair                     B.repairing  
  C.repaired                      D.being repairing

  28._____________to somebody,a British person often shakes hands with the stranger.
  A.Introducing                   B.To introduce
  C.To be int.roduced            D.On being introduced

  29.__________ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.
  A.Losing         B.Having lost     C.Lost      D.To   

  30.Mary ___________to see you.She._________ for you downstairs at the moment.
  A.has come;is waiting             B.came;is waiting
  C.has come;waited                 D.came;was waiting

   1.C本题是冠词的考查。have a wonderful time就相当于have a good time;the other
  2.C本题是形容词知识的考查。famous是描绘性形容词,应放在前面,American 指的是国籍,放在young之后。
  4.C本题是反意疑问句的考查。must的反意疑问句不是对must进行反问,因为陈述句部分中有for a long time,所以对have waited进行反问。
  6.A本题是交际用语的考查。对话中why?是语气词,表示不同意的语气。I'm quite myself意为"自我感觉良好"。
  7.A本题是动词语态的考查。take up表示"占据",此处指新式机器的优点。
  8.C本题是副词惯用法的考查。so+adj.+a/an+n.和such+a/an+adj. +n. 但是一旦句中出现little(少),much,many,few必须用s。。此题中little是形容词"小的"。
  9.B本题是省略的用法考查。注意两人对话中的you和I是同一个人,所以用so +I+did。
  14.B介词during后面总是一个表示时间的名词,这一名词可以指整段时间。这一名词也可以指一段时间中的时点或时刻,如:She has phoned him four times during the last half an hour。(在刚才的半个小时内,她给他打过四次电话。)在这个例句里during可以被介词in代替,因为in具有within a period(在一段时间内)的意思。
  15.B if...not和unless有时也不能互相替换。unless不能用于"由于未发生B而发生A"的句子里,如:1 will be quite斟ad if she does not come this evening。unless常用来引导一个谈及过去的事后的想法,unless从句跟着主句,通常用破折号而不是逗号将它与主句分开。
  16.B英语表示"两个里择一的哪一个更._.…·"的名词前的比较级前面应该使用定冠词the。pair的词义是"一对"或"一双",此处的the pair词义是two horses fastened side by side to a cart(两匹套在车辕的马)。因此,此处应该使用the stronger。
  17.D whoever有两个词义:(1)no matter who,在这种用法时引导一个让步状语从句;(2)anybody that,在这种用法时,它连接一个名词性从句,在本题中它连接的是主语从句。
  18.D英语中的连词since有这样的特性:终止其后从句中的延续性的谓语动词的动作。第二个空白处填人since之后,这个从句的意思是:自从我们不在一起工作起。此外,since还可使其后从句里的非延续性的谓语的动作延续。例如:It is 15 years since  he joined the Army.(他参军已经十五年了。)
  20.D此处的has been here表示"刚才到这儿来过",从字面上看这个表达方式是现在完成时,但实际上这个表达方式的内涵是该人已不在此处了。因此这个动作是发生在过去的事,那么该在你的书桌上留便条的动作也该用一般过去时。
  21.B第一句中的时间状语next month确定了这句的一般将来时的时态,然而第二句是由when引导的时间状语从句,在时间状语从句中只能用一般现在时表示一般将来时。
  23.D mlast与不定式的完成时连用表示对过去发生的事持肯定态度的推断,在疑问句中用can,在持否定态度的推断时用can not。for a moment表示一个动作延续了一会儿,而for the moment则表示"目前;暂时"。
  24.B不定式的完成时用来表示这个动作发生在谓语动作之前,或是表示该动作的完成。本题中不定式的完成时表示的正是该动作的完成,因此这句话可改写为:We're leaving at six o'clock,and hope that we will have done most the iourney bv lunch time.
  25.B be afraid后面既可以跟不定式be afraid t0 d0 sth.,又可以跟动名词be afraid of doing sth.,但前者的意思是:害怕/不敢做某事;后者的意思为:对可能出现的结果的发愁或忧虑。
  26.A mean后既可跟不定式(mean to do sth.),又可以跟名词mean doing sth.,两者内涵是有很大区别的,前者表示"故意去做;诚心去做"而后者表示"意味着要做"。
  27.B本题是固定用法的考查。It is good后面需接动词.ing形式。
  29.C过去分词有三个用途:(1)表示被动,如:the oppressed people(=people who are oppressed) 被压迫的人们;(2)表示完成,如:the fallen leaves (=the leaves which have fallen) 落叶:(3)表示状态,如lostin though陷入沉思。
  30. A 解本题需要使用逆向思维,先考虑第二个空白处的选项,再考虑第一空白处的答案。因为第二句中交代了一个重要的时间状语; at the moment (现在),因此应毫不犹豫地选择is waiting这一现在进行时的时态。据此,第一句的句意也就随着清晰起来:"玛丽已经到这儿来看望你。"很明显表示对现在选成影响的动作使用在完成时态

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